The room three change your fate
The room three change your fate

the room three change your fate the room three change your fate

Welcome to The Room Three, a physical puzzle game within a beautifully tactile world. The eagerly awaited sequel to the BAFTA award winning 'The Room' (Apple Game of the Year 2012) and 'The Room Two' (App Store Best of 2013-14) is finally here. WE RECOMMEND PLAYING ON iPHONE 5 (& UP) OR iPAD 3 (& UP) AS iPAD 2, iPAD MINI 1 AND iPHONE 4S MAY EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS. or Android KitKat 4.4, Lollipop 5.0, Marshmallow 6.0, Nougat 7.0, Oreo 8.0, Android P 9.0 or later

The room three change your fate